Jose Mota-Velasco
Jose Mota-Velasco is the genetics manager for Landcatch Natural Selection and manager of genotyping for Hendrix Genetics Aquaculture B.V. Jose was born in Mexico and holds a PhD in Genetics in Aquaculture obtained at the University of Stirling, Scotland, with a dissertation entitled ‘Physical and Linkage mapping of genetic markers and genes associated with Sex Determination in Tilapia (Oreochromis spp.). During his time in Mexico, and with a degree in Biochemistry engineering applied to aquatic resources, he had the opportunity to work in the public sector as technology translator and project coordinator of rural aquaculture projects for tilapia spp., channel catfish, rainbow trout and native species of commercial importance.
At Hendrix Genetics Aquaculture B.V., and with 10 years of experience working in the development and implementation of applied genetics and genomics technology, Jose is managing the Scottish Atlantic salmon breeding programme for Landcatch, coordinates the internal and external genotyping services provided by Hendrix Genetics Aquaculture, and actively collaborates in industry-academia R&D projects. Jose is based in Scotland and is married with 2 children.