Brent Babb
Brent serves as Regional Director of Europe & Middle East/North Africa at the U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC) based in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
Current responsibilities include leadership of USSEC’s Europe, Middle East/North Africa region in building preference for U.S. soy in poultry, livestock and aquaculture and focus on market access issues such as sustainability.
Brent led development of the U.S. Soy Sustainability Assurance Protocol (SSAP) outlining the national conservation program utilized by U.S. soy farmers. In addition to his present duties at USSEC, Brent has served U.S. soy producers in promoting U.S. soy exports since 1998 at USSEC and the American Soybean Association-International Marketing in a variety of duties.
Brent leads marketing programs working closely with U.S. farmers, USDA-FAS, the U.S. export industry and soy buyers around the globe. Brent holds a Master Degree in Marketing from Webster University and a B.A. in Business Administration from Murray State University.