Dr. Spencer Russell
Dr. Spencer Russell is a Fish Health Veterinarian with a PhD in immunology from the Department of Pathobiology at the University of Guelph (Guelph, Ontario, Canada). Dr. Russell’s career in aquaculture spans over 20 years and involves several areas of fish health including expertise in aquatic biosecurity program development, disease diagnosis and surveillance, vaccinology, and fish disease management. Previous to his academic appointment, Spencer was a research scientist with Pfizer and Novartis Animal Health where he designed, tested and directed vaccine projects for both tilapia and salmon. During his time in industry, he spearheaded autogenous vaccine production teams providing veterinary pathology, technical and scientific support for tilapia and salmon clients globally. In addition, Spencer spent 12 years as a member of the Fish Pathology Laboratory at the Ontario Veterinary college (University of Guelph) focusing on aquatic animal research and diagnostic techniques in support of surveillance efforts.