Jose Villalon
Jose Villalon is Corporate Sustainability Director at Nutreco, based in The Netherlands. Born in Cuba and raised in the USA, Jose received his Master of Science degree in Fish Nutrition at the University of Washington; then went on to 27-years’ experience farming white shrimp in the Virgin Islands, Ecuador and Mexico. Jose has been involved in all phases of the production chain including hatcheries, feedmills, farms, processing and export/sales. In 1991, he authored a practical manual for shrimp farming. He then joined the World Wildlife Fund (WWF-US) and led its’ Aquaculture Program for six years; managing the initiative which involved over 2,200 global stakeholders that created environmental/social standards for 12-species of aquaculture commodity products including tilapia, salmon and shrimp through a global initiative called the Aquaculture Dialogues. Along with WWF and IDH, they co-founded the independent Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) where he was elected the Chairman of the Board for its’ initial four years. As the Corporate Sustainability Director he oversees Nutreco’s sustainability agenda and the Nuterra Program, it’s sustainability strategy.